Produced by Yuepheng Xiong, this video is his second documentary of the history of the Hmong in China. "Taug Txoj Lw Ntshav" means tracing the trail of blood. This documentary covers in details the Hmong rebellion against Qing Dynasty in Hunan Province led by Hmong King Wu Bayue, 1795 to 1806.In this video, you will see Hmong villages and battle sites in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces, the stone monuments of Gen. Shi Liudeng, Gen. Wu Tianban, King Shi Sanbao, the Southern Great Wall, the Hmong Museums in Sanjiang and Songtao, Shi Liudeng's big sword, hanging coffins in Songtao, and more.Please also see our first and third volumes of the Taug Txoj Lw Ntshav series. This documentary is also available in VHS format.