Puag Thaum Ub: Hmoob Xeem

Paperback, 28 pages, 8x10, 2020
Written by: Brian V. Xiong
Illustrated by: Choua Xiong

ISBN: 978-1-64410-014-1

PUAG THAUM UB: HMOOB XEEM (sau ntawv Hmoob) yog ib phau ntawv dab neeg hais txog puag thaum ub muaj nag thiab hav dej tau nyab ntiaj teb. Tsuas tshuav ob nus muag xwb, es nkawd tau mus nkaum rau hauv ib lub nruas. Tsis muaj neeg, tsis muaj tsiaj txhu, ces ob nus muag txawm sib yuav thiaj li yuav muaj me tub me nyuam thiab Hmoob cov xeem npe tuaj.

IN THE BEGINNING: HMONG CLANS (Hmong Version) is a folktale story told about how in the beginning, there were heavy rains and water flooded the world. There were no other humans and animals. There were only two siblings, hidden in a drum. The two siblings married each other in order to have children and this is how the Hmong clans came to be.